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About Tibetan Refugee

Self Help Center

The Tibetan Refugee Self-Help Centre was started on October 2, 1959. Following the dramatic escape of His Holiness the Dalai Lama during that period of mayhem, thousands of our fellow countrymen, leaving hearth and home, fled into neighboring countries so they could live as free human beings.


We make the best carpets | Get One for Yourself!

Make your own Carpet

If you are an interior designer, you can get own custom carpets done according to your client’s needs. 

Please do contact us with the design so that we can give you a custom quote as you will have control over choosing the material too – Like you have have the whole carpet with organic dye if you want so. So please do contact using this form on the side. Here is a sample design from a client.  


Memories & Experiences



The Tibetan Refugee Self-Help Centre was started on October 2, 1959. Following the dramatic escape of His Holiness the Dalai Lama during tha…


The production of handicrafts continues to be our mainstay both in terms of activity as well as its source of income. To date, the Centre ha…


No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue pleasure ration…