Terms and Conditions
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Terms and Conditions

Aeron Inc. acts as a digital marketing agency providing its services towards ‘Tibetan Refugee Self-Help Centre, Darjeeling’.

The prices shown are exclusive of packaging, insurance and forwarding charges, which will be charged according to the weight of the article ordered. A parcel weighing up to 20 Kgs, can be sent by sea mail to the following countries only and to others 10 Kgs only:

Australia, Austria, Denmark, Finland, West Germany, England, Italy, Luxembourg, Switzerland, USA, France and Norway.

The weight of a 6′ X 3′ carpet size is less than 10 Kgs; which can be sent by AIR or SEA mail to the any part of the world.

Heavier packages have arrangement with our Shipping agents in Kolkata to any Sea or Airport which must be mentioned in the order.

Carpet making is our speciality. We can make carpet of any sizes, design or colours and use wool imported through Nepal of the same breed sheep from Tibet and vegetable dyes, which are used in Tibet. 

Extra charge @10% is made for a carpet above 50 square feet. Further additional charge made @5% for a carpet of customer’s own design.

We are registered Manufactures and Exporters to export all the articles produced from this centre and to date we are exporting to about 36 countries all over the world.

If the carpet ordered us ready in our stock, we can make the shipment within one month’s time. Special custom-ordered carpets will be completed and shipped with 5/6 months after your firm order confirmation. However, the delivery period depends on the volume and the size of the order. In order to avoid the delays in shipment, payment is received in advance in foreign currency for obtaining necessary documents for export.

Export Price List is subject to market Fluctuations.